As a continued way for readers / future Community Members to get to know more about our work, here’s an introduction to Chuck Metz Jr.  Co-Chair, Rivers and Lakes Committee.

Please list your name, title, and global region (city / state, country)

Chuck Metz, Jr., Writer, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

How long have you been an IEEE member or volunteer?

Planet Positive 2030 is my first IEEE volunteer effort, and I’ve been involved about a year. I’ve met some outstanding folks engaged in this initiative who have become both friends and contacts within a great professional network.

Why did you want to join Planet Positive 2030?

I care about the earth’s natural ecosystems, and this seemed an initiative in which I could contribute a bit of my time and effort in a way that would multiply my effort.

How would you define “sustainability?” In general, in your work, and in your life?

My wife and I have practiced “low resource impact” living for many years. We’ve tried to minimize waste and have practiced a circular-style personal economy within our family. Recycle. Reuse. Repair. That type of thing has allowed us time and finances to do other, more meaningful things.

How do you think technology can best help the planet?

We have many technologies necessary to accomplish this already. We lack the political vision and will to use them to the degree needed.

What is your boldest (yet technologically and scientifically based) hope for the work of Planet Positive 2030?

I would hope carbon sequestration technologies and sea-focused urban planning architectures in response to sea level advances would address two portions of the greater climate change problem.

What is your dream regarding Planet Positive 2030 and the Earth in general?  Here you can answer without having to focus on science or technology if you’d like.

I would hope that the positive visions of this initiative would help engage people at all levels to contribute the wide-ranging efforts necessary to transition the direction in which the earth is currently moving. Vision is an emotion-based thing. Facts rarely move the needle enough. That takes vision.

What’s the question we should have asked you regarding sustainability, technology, or the planet we should have asked you?

In what ways are you optimistic regarding changing the direction in which we’re currently moving?