IEEE Guide for Conducting Distribution Impact Studies for Distributed Resource Interconnection
IEEE Std 1547.7(TM) is part of the IEEE 1547(TM) series of standards. Whereas IEEE Std 1547(TM)-2003 provides mandatory requirements for the interconnection of distributed resources (DR) with electric power systems (EPS), this guide does not presume the interconnection is IEEE 1547(TM) compliant. Further, this guide does not interpret IEEE Std 1547(TM) or other standards in the IEEE 1547(TM) series, and this guide does not provide additional requirements or recommended practices related to the other IEEE 1547(TM) documents. However, DR interconnection may contribute to resultant conditions that could exceed what was normally planned for and built into the distribution system. This guide provides alternative approaches and good practices for engineering studies of the potential impacts of a DR or aggregate DR interconnected to the electric power distribution system. This guide describes criteria, scope, and extent for those engineering studies. Study scope and extent are described as functions of identifiable characteristics of the DR, the EPS, and the interconnection. The intent includes promoting impact study consistency while helping identify only those studies that should be performed based on technically transparent criteria for the DR interconnection.
This guide describes criteria, scope, and extent for engineering studies of the impact on area electric power systems of a distributed resource or aggregate distributed resource interconnected to an area electric power distribution system.
The creation of IEEE Std 1547 “Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems” has led to the increased adoption of distributed resources (DR) throughout distribution systems. This document describes a methodology for performing engineering studies of the potential impact of a distributed resource interconnected to an area electric power distribution system. Study scope and extent are described as functions of identifiable characteristics of the distributed resource, the area electric power system, and the interconnection. Criteria are described for determining the necessity of impact mitigation. Establishment of this guide allows distributed resource owners, interconnection contractors, area electric distribution power system owners and operators, and regulatory bodies to have a described methodology for when distribution system impact studies are appropriate, what data is required, how they are performed, and how the study results are evaluated. In the absence of such guidelines, the necessity and extent of DR interconnection impact studies has been widely and inconsistently defined and applied.
Leadership Team
Robert (Bob) Saint, Chair
Thomas (Tom) Basso, Secretary
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A copy of the IEEE Std 1547.7-2013 may be purchased from the IEEE Standards Store at this link: