IEEE P1752 Working Group

Metadata Subgroup

The Subgroup completed the work within its scope and the resulting metadata schemas and sample data are published in the relevant sections of the 1752 OpenSource site.

Scope: The P1752 Metadata Subgroup will propose modifications to the Open mHealth metadata-related schemas. The scope includes, but is not restricted to, the following: datapoint, schema, source, and acquisition metadata. The focus of this Subgroup’s work is on modeling the minimum metadata to be carried with each Open mHealth datapoint. It will not address or model metadata beyond what is deemed minimum, and will not be concerned with metadata captured by current or future individual devices or apps.

Duties: The Subgroup shall finalize the minimum metadata model discussed in the main P1752 Working Group, and shall propose modified metadata schema(s), including examples as informed by use cases.

Chair: Ida Sim, UCSF

March 17, 2020: slides and minutes

March 3, 2020: slides and minutes

February 4, 2020: slides and minutes

January 14, 2020: slides and minutes

December 17, 2019: slides and minutes

November 26, 2019: slides and minutes

November 5, 2019: slides and minutes

October 15, 2019: slides and minutes

October 1, 2019: slides and minutes

September 17, 2019: slides and minutes

August 27, 2019: slides and minutes

July 9, 2019: slides and minutes

June 25, 2019: slides and minutes