IEEE 2800 Working Group
Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Inverter-Based Resources Interconnecting with Associated Transmission Electric Power Systems

Scope: This standard establishes the required interconnection capability and performance criteria for inverter-based resources interconnected with transmission and sub-transmission systems. Included in this standard are performance requirements for reliable integration of inverter-based resources into the bulk power system, including, but not limited to, voltage and frequency ride-through, active power control, reactive power control, dynamic active power support under abnormal frequency conditions, dynamic voltage support under abnormal voltage conditions, power quality, negative sequence current injection, and system protection. The standard shall also be applied to isolated inverter-based resources that are interconnected to an AC transmission system via a dedicated voltage source converter high-voltage direct current (HVDC-VSC) transmission facilities; in these cases, the standard shall apply to the combination of the isolated IBR and the HVDC-VSC facility and shall not apply to the isolated IBR unless they serve as a supplemental IBR device that is necessary for the IBR generating facility with HVDC-VSC to meet the requirements of this standard at the reference point of applicability.

Purpose: This standard provides uniform technical minimum requirements for the interconnection, capability, and performance of inverter-based resources interconnecting with transmission and sub-transmission systems.

Need for the Project: The global increase in penetration levels of inverter-based resources (IBR) is expected to significantly change the dynamic performance of the power grid. As the penetration levels of inverter-based resources increase and the technology of inverter-based resources evolves, specifications and standards are needed to address the performance requirements of inverter-based resources. Currently, there is no one single document of consensus performance requirements covering inverter-based resources interconnected with transmission and sub-transmission systems. Recent events in North America such as the Blue Cut Fire Disturbance as well as institutional challenges in North America that suggest the inappropriate use of IEEE Std 1547™ for large-scale solar plants underscore this need. This new standard is a first attempt to address this need and can help equipment manufacturers, project developers, transmission planners, and power grid operators improve the quality of the inverter and facility performance to enhance the stability of the power grid over a transmission planning horizon. The specified requirements are intended to strike a balance between state of the art versus forward-looking technology capabilities, while considering the uncertainties as to how a future bulk power system with high amounts of IBR may be planned and operated. Given that IEEE standards are voluntary industry standards, enforcement of any of the requirements specified in this standard will require its adoption by the regional authority governing interconnection requirements (AGIR); an AGIR is a cognizant and responsible entity that defines, codifies, communicates, administers, and enforces the policies and procedures for allowing electrical interconnection of inverter-based resources interconnecting with associated transmission electric power systems.

Stakeholders for the Standard: Electric utilities, power system owners, planners, designers, and operators; equipment manufacturers (IBR, supplemental device, transformer, HVDC-VSC), power plant owners and developers, system integrators, and regulatory and government bodies

Further Information:

IEEE SA project website:

Approved PAR (revised December 2020):

Slide deck providing general information for the interested public on scope, timeline, joint sponsorship and coordination, membership criteria, WG member composition, and Sub-Working Groups: IEEE P2800_General Information

Policies and Procedures for P2800 Working Group can be downloaded at: P&P