P2800 Working Group Officers
Role | Name | |
Chair | Jens C. Boemer | j.c.boemer@ieee.org |
Vice Chair | Bob Cummings | bobcummingsrypc@comcast.net |
Vice Chair | Babak Enayati | babak.enayati@nationalgrid.com |
Vice Chair | Ross Guttromson | rguttro@sandia.gov |
Vice Chair | Chenhui Niu | niuchenhui@sgepri.sgcc.com.cn |
Vice Chair | Manish Patel | MPATEL@southernco.com |
Vice Chair | Mahesh Morjaria | mahesh.morjaria@replantsolutions.com |
Secretary & Treasurer | Diwakar Tewari | d.tewari@ieee.org |
IEEE Staff Liaison | Malia Zaman | m.zaman@ieee.org |
P2800 Liaison
Committee | Name | |
IEEE/PES/PSRC (Joint Sponsor) | Manish Patel | MPATEL@southernco.com |
IEEE/PES/EM (Joint Sponsor) | Innocent Kamwa & Jim Lau | Kamwa.Innocent@ireq.ca & j.f.lau@ieee.org |
IEEE/PES/PSDP | Pouyan Pourbeik | pouyan@ieee.org |
IEEE/PES/T&D | Babak Enayati | babak.enayati@nationalgrid.com |
IEEE/PES/WSPCC | Andy Leon | andrew.p.leon@ieee.org |
IEEE/SCC21 | Jens Boemer | j.c.boemer@ieee.org |
NERC IRPTF | Ryan Quint | ryan.quint@nerc.net |
Joint Sponsors and Industry Coordination
The following diagram shows the Joint Sponsors of the standard and the industry coordination approach taken to create broad consensus across IEEE committees, standards development organizations, and other interested entities.