IEEE C/DC 2941 Working Group
IEEE C/DC AI Model Representation, Compression, Distribution and Management Working Group


Meeting Minutes of the 10th IEEE DC P2941 Working Group Plenary Meeting The 10th AIM Working Group plenary meeting was held virtually on 25th August 2022, and quorum reached. IEEE Patent…

Attendance List of the 9th 2941 WG Plenary Meeting

No. Last Name First Name Affiliation Roster/Status 1 Tian Yonghong Peking University Chair 2 Yang Chao Peking University Vice Chair 3 Luan xiaoxu PCL Secretary 4 Chen Guangyao PKU Voting…

The 9th IEEE C/DC 2941 Working Group Plenary Meeting Agenda

Date: June 23, 2022, from 15:00 Beijing Time Venue: Tencent Online Meeting   1 Agenda Approval Chao Yang 2 IEEE Patent & Copyright Policy Statement IEEE Participant Behavior Xiaoxu Luan…

Meeting Minutes of the 9th IEEE DC P2941 Working Group Plenary Meeting

The 9th AIM Working Group plenary meeting was held virtually on 23rd June 2022, and quorum reached. IEEE Patent Policy: Call for Patents The call for patents was issued; none…

The 9th IEEE C/DC 2941 WG Plenary Session Meeting Notice

The 9th IEEE C/DC 2941 WG plenary session will be held on June 23rd, 2022, online. The meeting schedule is as below, using UTC/GMT +8.00, Beijing Time: Meeting Date/Time Convener Meeting…

Attendance List of the 8th 2941 WG Plenary Meeting

No. Last Name First Name Affiliation Roster/Status 1 Tian Yonghong Peking University Chair 2 Yang Chao Peking University Vice Chair 3 Luan xiaoxu PCL Secretary 4 Chen Guangyao PKU Voting…

Agenda of the 8th Meeting of the IEEE 2941 WG

Date:April 29, 2022, from 04:00PM, Beijing Time Venue: Virtual Conference 1 Agenda Approval Feng Wu 2 IEEE-SA Patent Policy & Copyright Policy Statement Xiaoxu Luan 3 Approval of the PAR…

The 8th IEEE 2941 Working Group Meeting Minutes

The 8th meeting of IEEE 2941 WG was held via online conference call. Quorum reached. The meeting was hosted by Dr. Yonghong Tian, the chair of 2941 WG. Ms. Xiaoxu…

The 14th IEEE DCSC and the 8th IEEE 2941 WG Plenary Meeting Notice

 The 14th IEEE DCSC plenary meeting and the 8th IEEE 2941 WG plenary meeting will be held on April 29th, 2022, online. The meeting schedule is as below, using UTC/GMT +8.00,…

The 7th IEEE C/DC 2941 WG Plenary Session Meeting Notice

The 7th IEEE C/DC 2941 WG plenary session will be held on March 17th, 2022, in Beida Boya International Hotel, Beijing, China online. The meeting schedule is as below, using UTC/GMT…