IEEE P1752 Working Group

Metabolic Subgroup

Scope: The P1752.2 Metabolic Subgroup will review Open mHealth schemas related to Metabolic measures and propose updates and additional schemas as needed. The scope includes but is not restricted to the following aspects of metabolic health: blood glucose, body weight, body temperature. The focus of this Subgroup’s work is on modeling data pertaining to metabolic functions, and not on current or future individual devices or apps that measure various aspects of metabolism.

Duties: By reviewing the clinical aspects of metabolic health and existing relevant devices and apps, the Subgroup shall deliver a list of common attributes as well as a list of clinically important attributes in the metabolic health domain as scoped above. The Subgroup shall propose modified and new schemas relating to metabolic health, including examples as informed by use cases and the list of common and clinically important attributes. Finally, the Subgroup shall deliver a review of mappings and/or relationships to non-Open mHealth metabolic measure schemas.

Chair: Ida Sim, UCSF
June 11, 2024: slides and minutes
April 23, 2024: slides and minutes
March 19, 2024: slides and minutes
November 21, 2023: slides and minutes
October 31, 2023: slides and minutes
September 12, 2023: slides and minutes
August 22, 2023: slides and minutes
July 25, 2023: slides and minutes
June 27, 2023: slides and minutes
May 16, 2023: slides and minutes
April 18, 2023: No meeting held
March 14, 2023: slides and minutes
February 14, 2023: slides and minutes
January 10, 2023: slides and minutes
November 15, 2022: slides and minutes
October 18, 2022: slides and minutes
September 20, 2022: slides and minutes
July 19, 2022: slides and minutes
June 21, 2022: slides and minutes
May 17, 2022: slides and minutes
April 5, 2022: slides and minutes
March 8, 2022:
slides and minutes
February 8, 2022:
slides and minutes
January 11, 2022:
slides and minutes
November 30, 2021:
slides and minutes
October 26, 2021:
slides and minutes
September 28, 2021:
slides and minutes
August 31, 2021:
slides and minutes

If you are interested in contributing to this subgroup’s work,

  • follow the instructions on this page to join the P1752 listserv, then
  • let the Working Group secretary know you’d like to join the subgroup: Simona Carini,

Elements of schema writing