Instrumentation and Measurement/Waveform Generation, Measurement, and Analysis – Technical Committee 10 (IM/WM&A – TC10)

The TC10 scope covers the science, technology, and application of electronic instrumentation and electrical measurement. TC10 is actively revising three of its standards for electric components:

The revision processes for the IEEE P1241TM and IEEE P1658TM are in their final stages as both working groups are now conducting a resolution of the comments received during balloting.

The revision of another standard is pending a formal announcement and kick-off meeting:

  • IEEE 181-2011TM –  IEEE Standard for Transitions, Pulses, and Related Waveforms                        (Working Group 181 Website)

For your reference, the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society TC10 Waveform Generation and Measurement Standards Committee has developed, published, and maintains the standards listed below:

If you are interested in participating in the Standards Committee, please send an email to: [email protected].