International Consortium for Innovation and Collaboration in Learning Engineering

September 2020 Newsletter

The ICICLE monthly community call is tomorrow September 23rd at 12 pm ET. We’ll be meeting via Webex (See details below with meeting code and password). The call is scheduled for one hour’s length. Full agenda will be posted here.

ICICLE Conference Proceedings & Learning Engineering Process Model
Check out the proceedings from the 2019 ICICLE Conference on Learning Engineering! You’ll find a curation of papers, reflections, slide decks, demos, videos and brainstorming about the emergence of Learning Engineering as a profession and new academic discipline.  At the August meeting, the Design SIG presented a model of a learning engineering process.  We welcome feedback on the model and would love to hear about your work in learning engineering at the community meeting.

Connecting with other communities
The Society of Learning Analytics Research (SOLAR) has a call for papers for their Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference in April 2021.  Submissions are due November 1, 2020. The Learning Science Weekly newsletter has updates on the latest findings from learning science. Join the discussions on the Learning Engineering Google Group or Learning Analytics Google Group.

The Design SIG will be focusing on designing the learning within the Learning Engineering Process Model. The SIG meets the 4th Tuesday of the month at 2 pm ET. The meeting link is in the Agenda and Meeting Notes.

The Corporate MIG (market interest group) is gathering case studies on applying Learning Engineering and has been having an amazing series of corporate L&D interviews. Please contact Jessie Chuang for more information.

The Tools SIG is preparing an instrumentation brief to discuss what is it and how to do it. The next meeting is Thursday, September 24th at 2 pm ET. The meeting link is in the Agenda and Meeting Notes.

We look forward to seeing you on September 23rd and welcome your reflections on the proceedings, feedback on the model and learning engineering experiences at the monthly meetingLinkedInTwitter or contact us.  We’d love to hear from you.