International Consortium for Innovation and Collaboration in Learning Engineering

August 2021 Newsletter

The ICICLE monthly community call for August is cancelled. We hope that everyone is having a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing you at the September 22nd call.

We appreciate your being part of this community and welcome your participation in SIGs, recommend or be a guest speaker on a community call or on the ICICLE podcast and other ideas you have about learning engineering. Come to a SIG meeting, contact us, attend the next call and share with us the great work that you are doing.

At the next Tools SIG meeting on Thursday, August 26th at 2pm ET, we’ll be discussing the status of an instrumentation primer paper and working toward a LE Maturity Model. Meeting link is in the Agenda and Meeting Notes.

In the July Design SIG meeting, we talked about strategies to support implementation, documenting null findings and open practices of publishing materials. Join the conversation on all things design on Tuesday, August 31st at 2pm ET. Meeting link is in the Agenda and Meeting Notes.

For those working in data science, we’d love your guidance in defining data science competencies as part of our learning engineering competency framework. The data science competencies are as part of ICICLE’s commitment to the Data Science for Everyone‘s campaign. The Competencies, Curriculum, and Credentials SIG is leading the effort. Meeting link for next meeting, Friday, September 10th, is in SIG notes or contact the SIG chair with your recommendations.

The Corporate MIG (market interest group) meets on the last Friday of the month at 11am ET. Please contact SIG Chair for more information.

Where will you be sharing your work on learning engineering? ICICLE members have a session, Start Making Sense: Integrating Learning Engineering into a Team, and a poster, Learning Engineering as the New Normal, at iFest, 31st August – 2nd September 2021.

Enjoy the rest of your summer and see you on September 22nd.Thank you for your continued interest in ICICLE!