The ICICLE monthly community call is September 22nd at 12pm ET. We’ll be meeting via Webex (See details below with meeting code and password). The call is scheduled for one hour’s length. Full agenda will be posted here.
Learning Engineering Updates
Check out How Cisco Networking Academy’s Learning Engineering team creates a pathway to new skills. Jeremy Creech describes the work in Learning Engineering being done within the Cisco Networking Academy to create equitable experiences for people to develop employable skills.
Proposals for the 2021 Learning Engineering Tools Competition to leverage technology, data and learning science to meet learners’ needs are due October 1st.
Learning Science for Learning Businesses, a series of seven podcasts from Leading Learning, talks about applying learning science and using evidence-based evaluation and learning tools to design content for professional development and lifelong learning.
SIG Meetings
SIGs meet monthly. We welcome everyone’s participation in the SIGs!
Corporate MIG (market interest group) meets on Friday, September 24th at 10am ET here on Zoom. Please contact SIG Chair for more information.
Design SIG meets on Tuesday, September 28th at 2pm ET to talk about all things design. Meeting link is in the Agenda and Meeting Notes.
Tools SIG meets on Thursday, September 30th at 2pm ET. Join the SIG and contribute to an instrumentation primer paper and a LE Maturity Model. Meeting link is in the Agenda and Meeting Notes.
Competencies, Curriculum, and Credentials SIG meets on Friday, October 8th. Meeting link is in SIG notes. The SIG is leading an effort, as part of ICICLE’s commitment to the Data Science for Everyone‘s campaign, to define data science competencies within our learning engineering competency framework. Do you have ideas or suggestions? Please join the SIG meeting or contact the SIG chair with your recommendations. We want to learn from you!
We look forward to seeing at the community call on September 22nd, at a SIG meeting, on the ICICLE podcast or other places where learning engineering is happening.