ICICLE February 15th 2023 Community Call with Sae Schatz, Bedrock Learning Board of Advisors and former Director, Advanced Distributive Learning
The ICICLE monthly community call is February 15th at 12pm ET. We are excited to have Sae Schatz, Bedrock Learning Board of Advisors and former Director, Advanced Distributive Learning, join the call to speak about the concept of a “learning ecosystem,” an interconnected lifelong system-of-systems that blends formal and informal learning, adapts to individuals’ characteristics and context, and is enabled by emerging technologies, learning analytics, and learning science principles. How do organizations start and grow their learning-ecosystem infrastructure and capacity? Sae will share a draft maturity model, intended to guide organizations as they build their learning ecosystem capabilities – including their learning engineering strength!
We’ll collectively discuss ways to improve or expand the model as well as possible uses of it (or related capability maturity models) within the ICICLE community.
2023 ICICLE Learning Engineering Conference
The 2023 ICICLE Learning Conference is coming in July 2023! More details soon.
Interested in planning the 2023 ICICLE Learning Engineering Conference?
All are welcome. The next Conference Committee meeting is Monday, February 27th at 1pm ET. Contact Committee Chair for details.
Talking about Learning Engineering
Bror Saxberg gave a keynote, Learning Engineering: What We Know, What We Can Do, at MIT’s Festival of Learning about innovation in teaching and learning.
Aaron Silvers writes about Learning Engineering Tools for Testing xAPI Stuffs
At the January 2023 Community Call, Katherine McEldoon, Learning Scientist, shared work done by the Efficacy & Learning team at Pearson on evidence on learning, Scaling the Science of Learning: Learning Design Principles. You can watch her talk here.
Learning Engineering Toolkit
How are you applying and adapting the Learning Engineering Toolkit? We want you to hear your stories how you are using the toolkit and putting learning engineering into practice.
If you did not yet have the Learning Engineering Toolkit, get 20% off with discount code ESA22. If you are in education, you may be eligible for an inspection copy. Request it by completing the Request Inspection Copy form with information about your university and course.
Special and Market Interest Group Work
The Special and Market Interest Groups develop resources and document experiences for the learning engineering community. Everyone is welcome to join one, two or all the SIGs and MIGs.
Please check website home page for updates to meeting days and times.
- Design: The Design for Learning SIG is meeting on Tuesday, February 21st at 2pm ET. Meeting link is in the Agenda and Notes.
- Tools/Instrumentation: The Tools SIG will be meeting on Thursday, February 23th at 2pm ET to discuss instrumentation and learning data. Meeting link is in the Agenda and Notes.
- Higher Education: The next meeting for the Higher Education MIG (market interest group) is Tuesday, March 1st at 12pm ET, exploring learning engineering in a higher education context. Meeting link is in Agenda and Notes.
- K-12 MIG: The next meeting for the K-12 MIG (market-interest group) will be Wednesday, March 8th at 12pm ET. Meeting link is in the Agenda and Notes.
- Students and Grads: The Students and Grads of Learning Engineering SIG will be meeting on Wednesday, March 8th at 4pm ET. Meeting link is in Agenda and Notes.
- Competencies: The Competencies, Curriculum, and Credentials SIG will be meeting in March, date/time is to be determined. We will send an email to those currently on the SIG. For others who are interested in participating, contact co-chair or check the ICICLE website the second week in March for the date/time. Information will also be in the Agenda and Notes.
- Corporate: Corporate MIG (market interest group) works with L&D community on how to adapt the learning engineering process. The SIG will meet on March 24th at 11am ET. Contact SIG Chair for more information.
Let’s keep talking about learning engineering in-between community calls. Post in our Linkedin group or send an email with your update to put in this newsletter. We want to hear about the amazing work that you do!
We look forward to seeing you at the community call on February 15th with Sae Schatz and learn about how learning engineering is aligned with a maturity model for a learning ecosystem.