International Consortium for Innovation and Collaboration in Learning Engineering

ICICLE 2024 Presenter Information

We are really looking forward to welcoming you and seeing your session in this remarkable schedule. Please take note of the following information and do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions.


All presenters must register for the conference. Please take advantage of the early bird rate of $450 before June 15 when regular registration will increase to $550. Verified students can register at a discounted rate of $175. 

We have negotiated a very low rate of $109 per night with the Omni Tempe Hotel where the conference is located. Please use this link to book your hotel by June 21st before it fills up. 

Conference Workbook

Each year, ICICLE provides a conference workbook to attendees with important information about the conference, sessions, and space for notetaking and exchanging contact information. This year, the workbook is provided compliments of VitalSource Technologies and we appreciate their support in designing and printing it. Please remember to submit your final title and short description for the workbook by Friday May 31 here: https://forms.gle/r5948YYEwFmp2w4J8

Presentation Resources

Each presenter will have a publicly available Google Drive folder where you can post your slides, handouts, or resources for your session. We will provide a QR code and short URL to this folder that will be printed in the workbook and so we and you can brag about your session. Please upload your presentation materials by the end of day on Friday July 19, 2024.

Presentation Spaces

The ballroom and breakout rooms will be set up with round tables for participants to sit and work at. The breakout rooms will have a projector, screen and standard HDMI cable to connect to your laptop. Please bring an adapter if your laptop does not have an HDMI port.

All rooms will have a microphone and speakers. We ask that you use the microphone when you are speaking, even if you think you don’t need it, to support any attendees who may have hearing impairments. Your use of the microphone will also ensure that video recordings of each session have high quality sound. 

As a reminder, these are the lengths of the various session types:

  • Lightning Talk: 5 minutes + 5 minutes for Q&A
  • Show and Share: 15 minutes + 5 minutes for Q&A
  • Exploration Stations: 30 minutes repeated twice
  • Active Learning Sessions: 60 minutes
  • Panels: 60 minutes
  • Showcase your Work: 90 minutes during the lunch hour when people will stop by your poster or demo station for however long they wish to engage with you


ICICLE will publish conference proceedings, and you will have an opportunity to submit a paper, reflection, or other work to be included after the conference. The proceedings will be published on the ICICLE website. There will be a technical review of submissions, but this is not a peer-reviewed publication. Please keep an eye out for communication from Samaa Haniya at samaa.haniya@pepperdine.edu who will coordinate the proceedings.

Participant Expectations

If you have not attended an ICICLE conference before, get ready for a fantastic and engaging experience! This is not your typical “sit and get” convening. We actively model learning engineering in the design and facilitation of the event, including evidence-based and evidence-generating learning practices. Attendees have come to expect an elevated level of engagement, the development of new connections and deeper relationships, active problem-solving, new insights to consider, and resources to take away. We encourage you to make the most of your scheduled time while you consider the following suggestions:

  • Begin with the end in mind. What do you want participants to remember from your session months later? Make this explicit at the beginning of your session.
  • People learn better when they receive information in multiple sensory channels. Consider using graphics and short phrases on slides to highlight your talking points. Sometimes, a picture really is worth a thousand words. Please do not fill your slides with text. The research shows us that people will be reading your slides and not listening to what you are saying. Also, less text on the screen means you can make the font bigger, making it easier to read for people with vision impairments.
  • People learn better when they are given an opportunity to make sense of the information by connecting it to what they already know and what is relevant for them. If you will be presenting anything abstract, be sure to provide multiple examples in context and opportunities for participants to make sense of what you have presented. This can include pausing for a moment in your presentation to ask participants to consider something, write down an example in their own practice, or briefly turn and talk to someone else. As social creatures, we learn well through stories, so consider presenting in this format.
  • Ground your work in learning engineering. You were asked in your proposal to explain how your session uses the learning engineering approach or process. Be sure you make this clear for attendees, too, several of whom will be new to learning engineering and still trying to make sense of it. Consider referencing chapters of the Learning Engineering Toolkit.
  • Give the participants something to do. You can provide them with a digital outline in your google folder that they can copy to take notes on. You can periodically ask them to answer a question or provide you with input on their device. You can ask them to critique your work or provide feedback after your presentation. Engagement does need to be visible, but it must be present.

Common Conference Platforms

As mentioned above, each presenter will have their own Google Drive folder. Participants will not need to log into a google account to access the materials. Many presenters include interactive components in their sessions that require the use of technology. Please do not waste session time asking participants to create user accounts or download software. If you want participants to use a particular platform, software, or resource, this should be in your session description so participants can come prepared. 

While we do not require you to use a particular platform for your session, for the sake of simplicity and to reduce the cognitive load on participants, we recommend that you use Mentimeter, Miro, and Google Docs for audience engagement. These will be used commonly throughout the conference so participants will become familiar with the platforms.

Presenter Brag

ICICLE will be marketing the conference through various platforms, but we encourage you to share that you will be presenting at ICICLE 2024. We have created a template in google slides that you can edit with your own session information. Instructions are included in the template. Our Social Media Toolkit has more information about promoting your session.

Travel Information

The closest airport to Omni Tempe Hotel at ASU is Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. To get from the airport to the Omni Tempe at ASU where the conference will be held, you have several options:

  • Take a taxi from the airport to the hotel for approximately $25. 
  • Use a rideshare service such as Uber or Lyft to get from the airport to the hotel. Prices vary.
  • If you would like to share a ride with another ICICLEist to split the fare, you can post a request in the #icicle-2024 channel on our Discord: https://discord.gg/qVM5RbY5xJ

If you would like to find a roommate, you can post a request in the #icicle-2024 channel on our Discord: https://discord.gg/qVM5RbY5xJ.