IEEE LTSC Secretary uses your information to provides general information, upcoming events and meeting notifications for ICICLE (IEEE IC Industry Consortium on Learning Engineering). The Learning Technology Standards Committee (LTSC) is the parent organization for ICICLE and as an ICICLE member, you are also an LTSC member. IEEE ICICLE is part of the IEEE Standards Association’s (IEEE-SA) Industry Connections (IC) program. As an IEEE sponsored activity, we are required to obtain your consent and that you have read the IEEE Privacy Policy available for you to read at Please let us know that we have your consent by selecting the Sign Up option above.
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Policies and Procedures
- Purpose. The purpose and proposed deliverables of the IEEE Industry Connections Industry Consortium on Learning Engineering (ICICLE). (“Activity”) are specified in the Activity’s Industry Connections Activity Initiation Document (“ICAID”), available online.
- Governing Laws and Documents. The operations of this Activity shall be governed by the policies and procedures in this document (“P&P”) subject to oversight and review by the Industry Connections Committee (“ICCom”) of the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Standards Board. All participants in the Activity (“Participants”) shall comply with applicable laws (nation-based and international), with the IEEE Code of Ethics, with the IEEE-SA Industry Connections Committee Operations Manual, and with all documents and laws referenced therein.
- Membership. Membership shall be granted to any entity (e.g., corporation, government agency, academic institution, trade association) that requests member status via email to the Chair. The Activity shall maintain a membership roster with names, affiliations, and contact information of all members of the Activity (“Members”). Additional criteria for membership, including without limitation requirements for participation, may be approved by Activity. Any such criteria shall conform to the Basic Principles of Standards Development. Each Activity Member shall have a contact person, who is responsible for specifying the list of representatives for that Activity Member. Each Activity Member shall designate one person from its list of representatives to be their Activity Member Representative (AMR). The list of representatives and the designated AMR may change throughout the term of the Activity Membership. It is the Activity Member’s responsibility, through their contact person, to notify the Secretary or other appropriate activity officer of changes to the list of representatives and designated AMR. Only the AMR is eligible to vote on behalf of the Activity Member for all Activity matters. If the AMR is unable to vote at a meeting, one attending person from the Activity Member’s list of representatives shall be recognized at the start of the meeting to vote on the AMR’s behalf.
- Chair. The Activity shall have a Chair, who shall be designated in the ICAID or elected by the Members in an election organized and presided over by an ICCom member and/or staff who is not a Member. ICCom may remove a Chair and shall have the sole authority to do so. ICCom may appoint an interim Chair until an election is held if a Chair resigns or is removed.
- Other Officers. The Activity or its Chair may create a Vice Chair, Secretary, and/or Editor as it sees fit. These officers shall be appointed by the Chair or elected if so determined when the position is created. Other officer positions may be created upon approval of ICCom.
- Chair Responsibilities. The Chair is responsible for conducting Activity meetings and ensuring that the Activity is conducted in accordance with the purpose, goals, and objectives of the ICAID and in compliance to these P&Ps. The Chair may delegate any required action but shall remain responsible for its completion.
- Meetings and Decisions. Meeting announcements shall be given at least 14 calendar days in advance of the meeting (30 calendar days if the meeting is in-person). Meetings shall have an agenda that is distributed at least 2 calendar days in advance (14 calendar days if the meeting is in-person) and should use Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised – Current Edition (RONR) as a guideline for parliamentary procedure. Minutes shall be taken at all meetings and distributed to all Members. Minutes shall follow IEEE-SA guidelines. Decisions will normally be made by consensus. Formal voting shall follow RONR. Quorum shall consist of a Simple Majority of the membership. The affirmative vote of a Supermajority of the Members (whether present at the meeting or not) shall be required to approve any of the following actions: amendment of governance documents, removal of Activity Members or any of their representatives, approval of extra-fee support services of other fees, approval of public statements, request to ICCom for termination of the activity. All other decisions shall require the affirmative vote of a Simple Majority of the votes cast (i.e., Approve or Do Not Approve votes, excluding abstentions) at a meeting (including teleconferences) where quorum has been established. Guests may attend meetings at the discretion of the Chair. Proxies are permitted to vote on behalf of AMR that are otherwise unable to attend a meeting. AMRs may employ proxy voting only when other methods of participation or alternative representation have been exhausted. Proxy voting shall neither count in quorum determination, nor count as the presence of the applicable AMR at the meeting. Proxies must be announced by the applicable AMR in writing to the committee Chair in advance of the meeting. Any person attending the meeting may hold at most one proxy vote in addition to his or her own vote.
- Subcommittees. The Activity may form subcommittees with membership criteria that conform to the Basic Principles of Standards Development. Each subcommittee shall have a documented scope and purpose. Each subcommittee shall be chaired by a person appointed by the Chair and shall conduct its meetings and make decisions in accordance with Clause 7. The subcommittee chair shall be responsible for conducting meetings and ensuring that the subcommittee acts in accordance with its scope and purpose. The Chair has the authority to remove the subcommittee chair. Any Activity Member may participate in each Subcommittee upon request to the Subcommittee Chair. The Activity Member requesting to participate in the Subcommittee shall designate one person from its list of representatives to be its Subcommittee Representative (SCR). The designated SCR may change throughout the life of the Subcommittee. It is the Activity Member’s responsibility, through its contact person, to notify the Subcommittee Chair of changes to the designated SCR.
- Activity Termination. The Activity and all of its then existing subcommittees may be dissolved at any time through an action of ICCom. This shall be the only means of termination. Upon termination, all records of the Activity, including those of its subcommittees, shall remain the property of IEEE, and shall be returned to IEEE-SA.
- Standards Development. ICCom activities do not include the development of standards. Any standards development activity shall be proposed as an IEEE Standards project, unless otherwise approved by ICCom.
- Compliance with Laws. All meetings shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, including antitrust and competition laws. In the course of Activity business, participants shall not engage in fixing product prices, allocating customers, dividing sales markets, or other conduct that violates antitrust or competition laws.
- IPR and Confidentiality Policy. Since ICCom Activities do not include the development of standards, the IEEE-SA Patent Policy does not apply. All Activity reports shall contain the IC Activity Document Notice and Disclaimer of Liability. The copyright for all documents or other copyrightable output of the Activity shall be held by the IEEE, in accordance with the IEEE-SA Copyright Policy as specified in Clause 7 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws. Activity participants shall observe a rule of confidentiality during discussions of the Activity. Any information reasonably considered, or actually labeled, as being confidential shall be treated as such, including information that each Activity participant would treat as confidential based on the principles of their associated affiliation(s).
- Discussion of Litigation, Patents, and Licensing. No discussions or other communications regarding the following topics shall occur during meetings and activities of the Activity or its subcommittees:
- The status or substance of ongoing or threatened litigation
- The essentiality, interpretation, or validity of patent claims
- Specific patent license terms or other intellectual property rights