IEEE ICICLE Special Interest Groups & Market Interest Groups (SIGs & MIGs)
ICICLE supports a variety of SIGs and MIGs that are integral to the community’s success in developing and supporting the field of Learning Engineering. All of ICICLE’s SIG and MIG activities are open to the public, and we welcome wide participation. To sign up for a SIG or MIG, please contact one of the chairs below to indicate your interest and get on the list to receive communications. The Meetings page lists when the next SIG/MIG meetings are.
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) – 2023-2024
Competencies, Credentialing, Curriculum SIG: A group working to outline the competencies necessary to design and implement projects using the learning engineering model.
- Co-Chairs: Jodi Lis ([email protected]) and Evangeline Schepper ([email protected])
- To subscribe to the CCC SIG mailing list, send an email to [email protected], containing the following text in the body of the message: subscribe ICICLE-CCC YourFirstName YourLastName Put your First Name followed by your Last Name sent from the e-mail address that you want to subscribe. For example, subscribe ICICLE-CCC John Smith
- Meeting cadence: Last Friday of the month at 3pm ET
Design for Learning SIG: Multidisciplinary SIG for discussing and building examples/cases of human-centered design work within the learning engineering process framework and across implementation levels.
- Co-Chairs: Aaron Kessler ([email protected]) and Amy Parent ([email protected])
- Meeting cadence: Last Tuesday of the month at 2pm ET
Globalisation-Localisation SIG: Group for those interested in adapting the learning engineering process in local contexts globally.
- Co-Chairs: Jodi Lis ([email protected]) and Adesola Ogundimu ([email protected])
- Meeting cadence: No meetings planned.
Students & Grads SIG: A forum for mutual mentorship and career development for learning engineering and applied learning sciences students, prospective students, and recent graduates from other learning engineering-adjacent programs.
- Co-Chairs: Lauren Totino ([email protected]) and Mei-Mei Li (
- Meeting cadence: Second Wednesday of the month at 4pm ET
Tools & Instrumentation SIG: A group that focuses on identifying and categorizing tools used in learning engineering, including identifying tools that help solve learning engineering problems and tools for collecting and analyzing data
- Chair: Erin Czerwinski ([email protected]) and Baptiste Moreau-Pernet ([email protected] )
- Meeting cadence: Last Thursday of the month at 2pm ET
Market Interest Groups (MIGs) – 2023-2024
Higher Education MIG: Multidisciplinary MIG for anyone involved in or adjacent to higher education, interested in the applications of learning engineering for quality education, instructional design, and research-informed analytics/improvement.
- Chair: Emily Marasco ([email protected]) and Rob Nyland ([email protected])
- Meeting cadence: First Tuesday of the month at 12pm ET
Military / Government MIG: Group for all involved with learning interventions in government and military globally.
- Co-Chairs: Eric Ultes ([email protected] ) and Len Matiowsky
- Meeting cadence: First Friday of the month at 12pm ET
pK-12 MIG: Group for anyone involved in or adjacent to pK-12, interested in the applications of learning engineering for quality education, instructional design, and research-informed analytics/improvement.
- Co-Chairs: Zarka Ali ([email protected]) and John Ellis
- Meeting cadence: Second Wednesday of the month at 12pm ET
Workforce MIG: Group for learning and development leaders to discuss corporate learning projects.
- Co-Chairs: John Costa ([email protected]) and DJ Jaeger
- Meeting cadence: Last Friday of the month at 12pm ET