International Consortium for Innovation and Collaboration in Learning Engineering


This page has several resources on learning engineering. Please scroll through the page to see books, background, materials on learning about learning engineering, and communities. We are working on organizing it and making it easier to locate information.

What is Learning Engineering?

What is Learning Engineering?


The Learning Engineering Toolkit has several open access chapters, Introduction, Learning Engineering is a Process, and Learning Engineering Applies the Learning Sciences.

Learning Engineering for Online Education

Learning Engineering for Online Education

Examples of Practices and Tools

Learning Engineering Process: Learning Engineering Process Description and Diagram from Learning Engineering Toolkit

Organization Maturity Model: Generalizable Learning Engineering Adoption Maturity Model

Developing a Learning Engineering Case Guide: Learning Engineering Case Guide 1.0


Examples of practices and tools to apply and integrate the learning engineering process:

Background Resources

The Job of A College President President Herb Simon, 1967

The Need For Learning Engineers (and Learning Engineering) Bill Jerome, April 2013

Why We Need Learning Engineers Bror Saxburg, April 2015

Learning Engineering: Leveraging Science and Technology for Effective Instruction, Norman Bier, 2015 (page 28)

Online Education: A Catalyst for Higher Education Reforms MIT, April 2016

Bridging learning research and teaching practice for the public good: The learning engineer Candace Thille, November 2016

Carnegie Mellon University Open Learning Institute‘s Simon Approach to Learning Engineering

Yet Analytics Learning Engineering Tools, Practices and Implementation

Conference Proceedings

Just as the conferences are designed as a conversation as opposed to a traditional reading-of-papers, the proceedings exist as an artifact produced out of the conferences. They provide development and gauge growth in the practice, process, and profession of learning engineering.

Learning Engineering Adjacent Academic Programs

Learning about Learning Engineering: Articles, Papers, Interviews, Podcasts, Videos and more (Chronological Order)

Learning Engineering: New Profession or Transformational Process? Interview with Ellen Wagner (2024)

Learning Engineering Enlightenment: Think Like an Engineer, Ellen Wager (2024)

Learning Engineering Perspectives for Supporting Educational Systems, Scotty Craig, Jim Goodell, Rod Roscoe, Erin Czerwinski and Jodi Lis (2023)

Data-Informed Course Improvement: The Application of Learning Engineering in the Classroom, Anne Fensie (2023)

Learning Engineering Virtual Training Systems with Learning Science, Data Standards and a Capabilities Maturity Model, Shelly Blake-Plock, Kevin Owens and Jim Goodell (2023)

The Value Proposition of e Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT) for the Field of Learning Engineering (page 87), Shelly Blake-Plock, Kevin Owens and Jim Goodell (2023)

Engaging in Student-Centered Educational Data Science Through Learning Engineering, Rachel Van Campenhout, Bill Jerome, and Benny G. Johnson (2023)

Designing a Student Progress Panel for Formative Practice: A Learning Engineering Process, Rachel Van Campenhout, Michelle Selinger, Bill Jerome

The Art and Science of Learning Engineering, Silver Lining for Learning Episode, Danielle McNamara, Scotty Craig, and Rod Roscoe (2023)

Applying Human-Centered Learning Engineering Methods to Learning, Silver Lining for Learning Episode, Sae Schatz, Janet Koloder and Jim Goodell (2023)

Bringing Learning Engineering Into Online Education (Webinar, Maryland Online), Karen Rege and Jodi Lis

Learning Engineering at a Glance (Based on the iFEST Poster, Winner of Best Poster Design), Sae Schatz, Jim Goodell and Aaron Kessler (2023)

Interactive Peer Instruction Method Applied to Classroom Environments Considering a Learning Engineering Approach to Innovate the Teaching–Learning Process, Jessica Rivadeneira and Esteban Inga (2023)

Learning Engineering: #WorkingOutLoud on Learning Science, Julian Stodd (2023)

How Video Games Can Train You for a Job: Lessons from Learning Engineering Research and Duolingo’s Success, Eric Basu

Learning Engineering: What We Know, What We Can Do, Bror Saxberg, Keynote at MIT’s Festival of Learning about innovation in teaching and learning (2023)

Learning sciences and learning engineering: A natural or artificial distinction?, Victor Lee and Report and Reflection, Learning engineering: What it is, why I’m involved, and why I think more of you should be, Janet Kolodner (2023)

Learning Engineering: What Is It and How Can the Government Benefit?, JJ Walcutt (2022)

IEEE Learning Engineering Podcast The first episode explored What is Learning Engineering? Listen to it on your favorite podcast platform: Spotify, Apple, Sticher or tell “Alexa, play the Learning Engineering Podcast.”

At the Empowering Learners for the Age of AI conference, there were two keynotes related to learning engineering and an ICICLE panel. The videos for all the sessions on the Global Research Alliance for AI in Learning Education’s (GRAILE) YouTube channel. (2022)

At Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative iFEST 2022 conference, the “Learning Engineering at a Glance” poster won the “People’s Choice Award for Best Poster Design.”

In the AECT Learner Engagement Division podcast, Learning Engagement Activated, Anne Fensie speaks with Jim Goodell about how learning engineering is applied in designing learning opportunities to help increase learner engagement. (2022)

The Learning Engineering and Practice Group (LEAP) at MIT is applying design and systems principles to solving challenges in learning and develops learning experiences to better meet the increasing demand for STEM skills in tomorrow’s workforce.

Bror Saxberg, founder of the recently launched learning engineering consulting firm LearningForge, LLC, and previously Vice President of Learning Science at the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, spoke at Next Level Lab at the Harvard Graduate School of Education Distinguished Speaker Series on Learning Engineering: The Art of Applying Learning Science to Real-World Training which explored the impact learning science, motivation, and understanding expertise has on learning and teaching to increase outcomes from professional training and development. (2022)

On Share Whatcha Learned: Journeys in Instructional Design, Kristin Torrence, Head of Learning Engineering at Talespin, shares what she’s been learning and practicing about learning engineering. (2022)

The article, Learning Engineering: A View on Where the Field Is at, Where It’s Going, and the Research Needed, by Ryan S. Baker, Ulrich Boser, and Erica L. Snow looks to identify key areas within the science and engineering of learning that could lead to major improvements in educational outcomes. (2022)

In the podcast, Bring Out the Talent from The Training Associates, Dr. Michael Noble, President (Americas) Area9 Lyceum discusse the role for learning engineers and why it’s not just another trend in From Designer to Engineer, New Roles for Learning Professionals. (2022)

What Parts of Learning Engineering Can Help You Level Up? Jim Goodell (2022)

The Learning Agency has a video series, Introduction to Learning Engineering, about applying a learning engineering perspective. Videos include the Practice of Learning Engineering, the Challenges of Learning Engineering, an Overview of Learning Engineering, and three case studies. (2022)

MIT Integrated Learning Initiative has a Q&A with Lauren Totino, a Learning Engineer in MIT Open Learning, about ‘what exactly is a learning engineer? and ‘how does data analysis drive MIT’s education effectiveness?’ (2022)

High-Leverage Opportunities for Learning Engineering, Ryan S. Baker and Ulrich Boser (2021)

How Cisco Networking Academy’s Learning Engineering team creates a pathway to new skills. Jeremy Creech describes the work in Learning Engineering being done within the Cisco Networking Academy to create equitable experiences for people to develop employable skills. (2021)

Learning Engineering Series, EdSurge

The Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) launched its inaugural State of XR & Immersive Learning Outlook Report 2021. ICICLE, Learning Guild, EDUCAUSE and CoSN were partners in the publication. The Outlook Report showcases current and emerging trends and innovations on the use of XR and immersive technologies for supporting learning. (2021)

The theme for Teaching Online Preparation Toolkit (TOPkit) at University of Central Florida March 2021 Digest was Learning Engineering, curated by James Paradiso from ICICLE Design SIG.

Rachel Van Campenhout and Benny Johnson, both with Acrobatiq by VitalSource, did a Q&A on impactful learning, with a shout-out to learning engineering. (2021)

Design Recommendations for Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Volume 8, Jim Goodell and Bridget E. Thomas wrote a chapter, A Learning Engineering Approach To Data Visualization, for the intelligent tutoring system context. (2020)

Insights interview: how to engineer edtech for learning and adoption at scale, Adam Black interviews Professor Chris Dede about learning engineering, edtech that scales and edtech of the future.

Carnegie Mellon University‘s Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and Educational Innovation are designing a set of Signature Courses using CMU’s learning engineering approach. Check out the video on What is Learning Engineering? in the article.

Jessie Chuang, Corporate Group Chair, and Barish Golland published Learning Engineering: Improving Organizational Learning With Artificial Intelligence on how learning engineering can apply to the organizational learning context, Training Industry, July 24, 2020

Learning Engineering Is Learning About Learning. We Need That Now More Than Ever (2020)

In the 2020 EDUCAUSE Horizon Report Teaching and Learning Edition the “Elevation of Instructional Design, Learning Engineering, and UX Design in Pedagogy in Practice” is one of the six Emerging Technologies and Practices.

The Science of Remote Learning edited by Jim Goodell and Aaron Kessler (2020)

How ‘Learning Engineering’ Hopes to Speed Up Education Jeff Young (2020)

Why Education Is a ‘Wicked Problem’ for Learning Engineers to Solve Ashok Goel (2020)

Teaming up to Improve Medical/Healthcare Education: Instructional Design & Learning Engineering in the Journal of Applied Instructional Design Dina Kurzweil and Karen (Beth) Marcellas (2020)

Medical Researchers Find Cures by Conducting Many Studies and Failing Fast. We Need to Do the Same for Education Mark Schneider and Kumar Garg (2019)

Are You Doing Learning Engineering—Or Instructional Design? Jim Goddell (2019)

What Does Learning Engineering Mean for Instructional Design and EdTech? Ellen Wagner (2019)

Learning Engineering? Instructional Design? Jane Bozwarth (2019)

Learning Engineering: Making Education More “Professional” Ellen Wagner (2018)

Learning Engineering and the Future of eLearning Ellen Wagner and Olivia Blackmon (2018)

7 Things to Know about Learning Engineering Ellen Wagner, Shelly Blake-Plock, Robby Robson, Avron Barr (2018)

Learning Engineering: The Next Wave for eLearning Ellen Wagner and Olivia Blackmon (2018)

Learning Engineers Inch Toward the Spotlight Mark Lieberman (2018)

The Rise of Learning Engineering Ellen Wagner and Jodi Lis (2018)

All Rise the Learning Engineers (podcast) Aaron Barr, Robby Robson (2018)

Get Ready for Learning Engineering Clark Quinn (2018)

The Rise of Learning Engineering Ellen Wagner (2018)

ICICLE: A Consortium for Learning Engineering Shelly Blake-Plock (2018)

Learning Engineering: Merging Science and Data to Design Powerful Learning Shelly Blake-Plock (2018)

From the science of learning (and development) to learning engineering, Melina R. Uncapher (2018)


OpenSimon is a learning engineering community at the Simon Initiative, Carnegie Mellon University to improve learning outcomes and advance understanding of human learning

Learning Agency launched a Learning Engineering Google Group.

The Playful Journey Lab, together with the MIT Integrated Learning Initiative (MITili), has started their Learning Engineering Journey to explore the practice of learning engineering in the Learning Engineering Project Blueprint